I, Robot

is a record album concept redesign.

A 1977 album, redesigned in 2019. Carefully conceptualized by the futuristic yet apocalyptic sound of the album in order to reflect the visual representation of the physical record design itself.

Using the cover inlay, it reads:

"I Robot... The story of the rise of the machine and the decline of man, which paradoxically coincided with his discovery of the wheel... and a warning that his brief dominance of this planet will probably end because man tried to create a robot in his own image."

I reimagined the album design to suit the manifesto inside the record sleeve.



— Use of found imagery

— Concept creation

— Typography

— Systems design

— Content curation

— Storytelling

— Packaging design

 Psssst! Thanks for scrolling all the way down here to check out my work :^)




Photo Manipulation